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From Carolyn Miller, Bible Club in Public Elementary School

“Hi Gloria, Our club went well today. I taught the lesson on the call of Abram. I said that he was the sample of the goodness of God to his world. Then I asked them who was the sample of … Continue reading

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From Joyce Ritz, Sunday School, Mennonite Church

“Rosita asked if it’s a sin to listen to music that isn’t Christian. Her mother always tells her to turn it off, but there were some songs that she thought were good songs. I suggested that she ask her mother … Continue reading

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From Rebecca Cox, Missionary in Spain

“Dear Gloria, I just started last Thursday using the curriculum. Of course they loved it. It is such an awesome way to show them that the Bible is special because it leads us to the treasure of God. Tomorrow we … Continue reading

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From Joyce Ritz, Sunday School, Mennonite

One girl in my class had talked several weeks ago about being scared when she goes to bed, and so she imagines that there is an angel at each corner of her bed. I said, ‘We can just make that … Continue reading

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Time Line

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