Author Archives: Gloria Miller

From Beth Neely, Children’s Church Director, Hollidaysburg, PA

We have been using the Guide to the Treasure curriculum for our Children’s Church time for two years. Our teachers enjoy the well written stories to share with our students.The visuals suggested to make and display in the “Bible Museum” … Continue reading

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From Joyce Ritz, Sunday School, Mennonite

“Hi Gloria, Today Maria was telling me about the ‘Friday Church’ she goes to at a Spanish church. She said the last time she was there, every time the leader asked a question, she raised her hand and gave the … Continue reading

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From Rebecca Cox, Missionary in Spain

“My kids are growing in knowledge and maturity. I am encouraged by their growth. In two or three years they will be teenagers. May the truth being poured into them prepare them for that new phase. Thanks for letting me … Continue reading

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From Joyce Ritz, Sunday School, Mennonite Church

“Just wanted you to know that I really enjoyed my SS class on Sunday. It was about Hezekiah and how he followed the Lord and got rid of idols. Somehow that led into a discussion with my students about idols, … Continue reading

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From Gloria Miller, Children’s Church, Missionary Church

I had such a great time in Children’s Church today and just feel like sharing it with you. The story was not really a story. It was about Isaiah’s prophesies of a coming Messiah or Christ. I wasn’t sure how … Continue reading

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Guide To The Treasure

Please be advised. This site is under construction for Gloria Miller author of Guide To The Treasure. Thank you

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