From Gloria Miller, Children’s Church, Missionary Church

I had such a great time in Children’s Church today and just feel like sharing it with you. The story was not really a story. It was about Isaiah’s prophesies of a coming Messiah or Christ. I wasn’t sure how it would go because I have a very active group – grades 1-6.

I put flannel pictures in a big circle which were symbols of the things prophesied (a baby would be born; His kingdom would never end; He would be sent from God; when He would be punished, people would think He was punished for His sin, but really He would be
punished for ours because we are all like sheep running away from our shepherd; He would be like a sacrificed lamb – which they are familiar with from other lessons.) In the center of all the other symbols, I placed a cross with Jesus on it and an altar with a lamb on
It was unbelievable the questions and comments this generated;
• What was the crucifixion like?
• Why did the picture show blood on His back?
• Did He die because He bled too much? (gave me a wonderful opportunity to explain that Jesus gave His life – it wasn’t taken from Him.)
• Do people go straight to hell if they commit suicide?
• Why wasn’t God pleased with Cain’s sacrifice? Why did it have to be an animal?
• My friend is afraid to die. Is death something to be afraid of?
• How could a baby have so much power?
• One very active (often a behavior problem) boy commented on how it will be so exciting to finally see Jesus – it will be so amazing that he just can’t picture what it will be like.
• Another mentioned that sometimes people are afraid to die, but really when you think about it, it seems as if it will be the best thing ever.
I came home once again thanking God for this awesome opportunity – asking Him to continue using me – and also YOU as you plant seeds of life in children’s hearts.

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