“Rosita asked if it’s a sin to listen to music that isn’t Christian. Her mother always tells her
to turn it off, but there were some songs that she thought were good songs. I suggested
that she ask her mother if she would listen to something with her and tell her what she
thinks because sometimes parents understand more about the message of the song than
children do. That was a good question for her because when we went over the 10
Commandments recently, she said that the one that she has the most trouble with is ‘Honor
your Father and Mother.”
A four year curriculum (1st through 6th grade) being used in a variety of ways: Children’s Church, Sunday School, Discipleship Groups, Release Time, and Club programs.
Gloria Miller has been teaching children since she was a teenager. Gloria and her husband, Noel, live in Altoona, Pennsylvania, and attend New Life Community Church. She graduated from Eastern Mennonite University and currently works with children with disabilities in the Altoona School District. They enjoy biking, canoeing, gardening, and many other outdoor activities. They have four sons and nine grandchildren.